Click here to view the Red-Cabbage-Indicator-Experiment (first draft).

Click here to view the final Red-Cabbage-Indicator-Experiment.

Reflection: Creating a red cabbage indicator is a very interesting experiment to perform when you want to explore how certain products react when it comes in contact with natural  indicators. These products can be easily be found in your household. Working on this project was an amazing experience for me as I got the chance to experience the color change when the products are added with the red cabbage juice. Red cabbage is a natural indicator that can be used to find out the acidity and basicity of products. When baking soda is added to the cabbage juice, it changes the color from purple to dark blue indicating that it’s a base. Tap water keeps the cabbage water purple indicating that it’s a neutral solution. Vinegar turns the color into bright red and lemon juice changes the color into light pink indicating that they are acidic solutions. While writing the lab report, I got to speak with my peers about the paper and they corrected my mistakes. I found the peer editing session very helpful as I got to see what I was doing and how I can make my writing more professional.